It&aposs said to have the strength of coffee, the health benefits of tea, and the joy of chocolate. Por esto, hay quienes gustan de endulzar un poco el mate con az car, miel). Los beneficios para la salud de la yerba mate van m s all de la estimulaci n mental y el aumento de energ a. Adem s, se considera que tiene propiedades antiulcerosas, antirreum ticas o analg sicas, entre otras como se asegura en este art culo.We have a guide on how to prepare yerba mate and everything you need to start drinking yerba mate including: What type of mate cup, what to look for in a bombilla, and types of yerba.
M: Yerba Mate Organic Yerba Mate Loose Leaf Tea -Pounds (1 Oz.) - Traditional South American Green Tea Drink - Provides Energy Boost and Aids Digestion - Packed with Antioxidants. Yerba Mate - Guayak Yerba Mate Yerba mate has the strength of coffee, the health benefits of tea, and the euphoria of chocolate, all in one beverage.